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2019/10/14 13:20:44

Human Topoisomerase II Decatenation Assay Kits

These contain human topo II and the catenated kDNA substrate in addition to the Assay and Dilution buffers for decatenation reactions. 1 U of human topo II will decatenate 200 ng of kDNA when incubated in 1X Assay buffer in a total reaction volume of 30 µl at 37°C for 30 minutes. The kits are available with either the alpha or beta forms of the enzyme. 
Cat No. Product
HTK201 Human Topo II alpha Decatenation Assay Kit 1
Contains 100 U of human topo II alpha and 20 µg kDNA
HTK202 Human Topo II alpha Decatenation Assay Kit 2
Contains 500 U of human topo II alpha and 100 µg kDNA
HTK203 Human Topo II alpha Decatenation Assay Kit 3
Contains 1000 U of human topo II alpha and 200 µg kDNA
HTK204 Human Topo II alpha Decatenation Assay Kit 4
Contains 2000 U of human topo II alpha and 400 µg kDNA
HTKB201 Human Topo II beta Decatenation Assay Kit 1
Contains 100 U of human topo II beta and 20 µg kDNA
HTKB202 Human Topo II beta Decatenation Assay Kit 2
Contains 500 U of human topo II beta and 100 µg kDNA
HTKB203 Human Topo II beta Decatenation Assay Kit 3
Contains 1000 U of human topo II beta and 200 µg kDNA
HTKB204 Human Topo II beta Decatenation Assay Kit 4
Contains 2000 U of human topo II beta and 400 µg kDNA

供超 100 万种的各类化学标准品,杂质对照品,植物单体,化学试剂,

Q      Q:  3402176976